Sonipat to Mathura Bus Time Table Latest

Latest Haryana roadways Sonipat to Mathura Bus Time Table Latest

Sonipat to Mathura Bus Time Table Latest
Sonipat to Mathura bus timing

Haryana Roadways Buses is operating its buses from Sonipat to Mathura as per Sonipat bus stand timetable

Sonipat to Mathura Distance: 229.9km

Sonipat to Mathura bus Ticket price: 260 Rs (approx)

Serial number Departure timeBus routeViaBus type
01.4:40 amSonipat to AgraDelhi, Faridabad, Ballabgarh, Palwal, Haryana roadways
02.5:20 amSonipat to AgraDelhi, Faridabad, Ballabgarh, Palwal, Haryana roadways
03.6:00 amSonipat to AgraDelhi, Faridabad, Ballabgarh, Palwal, Haryana roadways
04.6:20 amSonipat to AgraDelhi, Faridabad, Ballabgarh, Palwal, Haryana roadways
05.6:40 amSonipat to MathuraDelhi, Faridabad, Ballabgarh, Palwal, Haryana roadways
06.7:00 amSonipat to AgraDelhi, Faridabad, Ballabgarh, Palwal, Haryana roadways
07.7:30 amSonipat to AgraDelhi, Faridabad, Ballabgarh, Palwal, Haryana roadways
Sonipat to Mathura bus time


Passengers are advised to confirm Sonipat to Mathura bus Time table from Sonipat Bus stand Enquiry Numbers:- 0130-2201104


For Mathura to Sonipat bus timetableClick here

Alternative route :

Sonipat to Mathura Train TimeTable

Indian Railways operate trains between Sonipat to Mathura:

Train numberSonipat railway station timingMathura railway station timingTravel timeTrain typeDay
110789:30 am1:20 pm3:50 hrsJhelum ExpressRuns daily
129263:07 pm7:10 pm4:03 hrsPaschim SF ExpressRuns daily
118424:53 pm8:40 pm3:47 hrsGita Jayanti ExpressRuns daily
11058/6:47 pm11:00 pm4:13 hrsMumbai CSMT ExpressRuns daily
129207:06 pm10:38 pm3:32 hrsMalwa SF ExpressRuns daily
Sonipat to Mathura train time

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