Rohtak to Tohana Bus Time Table Latest

Latest Haryana roadways Rohtak to Tohana Bus Time Table Latest

Rohtak to Tohana Bus Time Table Latest
Rohtak to Tohana bus timing

Haryana Roadways Buses is operating its buses from Rohtak to Tohana as per Rohtak bus stand timetable

Rohtak to Tohana Distance: 131.5 km

Rohtak to Tohana bus Ticket price: 170 Rs (approx)

Serial number Departure timeBus routeViaBus type
01.10:20 amRohtak to TohanaJind, NarwanaHaryana roadways
02.11:00 amRohtak to TohanaHansi, HisarHaryana roadways
03.5:30 pmRohtak to TohanaJulana, Jind, NarwanaHaryana roadways
04.9:10 pmRohtak to TohanaJulana, Jind, NarwanaHaryana roadways
Rohtak to Tohana bus time


Passengers are advised to confirm Rohtak to Tohana bus Time table from Rohtak Bus stand Enquiry Numbers:- 8607299700, 01262-276641


For Tohana to Rohtak bus timetableClick here

Alternative route :

Rohtak to Tohana Train TimeTable

Indian Railways operate trains between Rohtak to Tohana:

Train numberRohtak railway station timingTohana railway station timingTravel timeTrain typeDay
1980312:46 am2:19 am1:33 hrsShri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra Weekly ExpressSun
146235:15 am6:51 am1:36 hrsPatalkot ExpressRuns daily
224858:20 am9:49 am1:29 hrsMoga Intercity Sf ExpressMon, Fri
224798:20 am9:49 am1:29 hrsSarbat Da Bhala expressSun, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat
159095:37 pm7:04 pm1:27 hrsAvadh Assam expressRuns daily
044316:00 pm8:27 pm2:27 hrsJakhal Express SpecialRuns daily
1678710:33 pm12:09 am1:38 hrsShri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra ExpressWed
1631710:33 pm12:09 am1:38 hrsHimsagar ExpressSun
1603110:33 pm12:09 am1:38 hrsAndaman ExpressMon, Thu, Fri
1213710:58 pm12:32 am1:34 hrsPunjab MailRuns daily
Rohtak to Tohana train time

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