Latest Haryana roadways Haridwar to Gohana Bus Time Table Latest
Haryana Roadways is operating its buses from Haridwar to Gohana as per Haridwar bus stand timetable
Haridwar to Gohana Distance: 207 km
Haridwar to Gohana bus Ticket price: 230 Rs (approx)
Serial number | Departure time | Bus route | Via | Bus type |
01. | 7:00 am | Haridwar to Bhiwani | Roorkee, Shamli, Panipat | Haryana roadways |
Passengers are advised to confirm Haridwar to Gohana bus Time table from Haridwar Bus stand Enquiry Number:-
For Gohana to Haridwar bus timetable– Click here
Alternative route :
Haridwar to Gohana Train Time Table
Indian railways operate trains between Haridwar to Gohana:
Train number | Haridwar railway station timing | Gohana railway station timing | Travel time | Train type | Day |
14718 | 4:45 pm | 10:12 pm | 5:27 hrs | Bikaner Express | Tue, Thu, Sat |