Bathinda to Sirsa Bus Time Table Latest

Latest Haryana roadways Bathinda to Sirsa Bus Time Table Latest

Bathinda to Sirsa Bus Time Table Latest
Bathinda to Sirsa bus timing

Haryana Roadways Buses is operating its buses from Bathinda to Sirsa as per Bathinda bus stand timetable

Bathinda to Sirsa Distance: 97.1 km

Bathinda to Sirsa bus Ticket price: 140 Rs (approx)

Serial number Departure timeBus routeViaBus type
01.7:30 amBathinda to SirsaDabwaliPRTC ordinary
02.8:30 amBathinda to SirsaDabwaliPRTC ordinary
03.9:10 amBathinda to SirsaDabwaliPRTC ordinary
04.11:45 amBathinda to SirsaDabwaliPRTC ordinary
05.12:10 pmBathinda to SirsaDabwaliHaryana roadways
Bathinda to Sirsa bus time


Passengers are advised to confirm Bathinda to Sirsa bus Time table from Bathinda Bus stand Enquiry Numbers:- 0164-2215 143


For Sirsa to Bathinda bus timetableClick here

Alternative route :

Bathinda to Sirsa Train TimeTable

Indian Railways operate trains between Bathinda to Sirsa:

Train numberBathinda railway station timingSirsa railway station timingTravel timeTrain typeDay
194161:05 am2:15 am1:10 hrsAhmedabad ExpressWed
140294:10 am5:45 am1:35 hrsDelhi ExpressRuns daily
147325:00 am6:25 am1:25 hrsKisan ExpressRuns daily
1473012:45 pm2:25 pm1:40 hrsFazilka-Rewari ExpressRuns daily
125562:00 pm3:35 pm1:35 hrsGorakhdham SF ExpressRuns daily
146203:25 pm5:00 pm1:35 hrsTripura Sundari ExpressMon
047815:00 pm6:50 pm1:50 hrsBathinda-Rewari Passenger Special Runs daily
047837:10 pm9:30 pm2:20 hrsSirsa Express SpecialRuns daily
040839:20 pm11:00 pm1:40 hrsHisar Express SpecialRuns daily
196129:40 pm10:49 pm1:09 hrsAmritsar-Ajmer ExpressTue, Thu
Bathinda to Sirsa train time

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